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"The delicate alchemy that binds these sounds together is complex and fascinating. The first time you listen to it you feel you need at least a couple of more new ears to be able to revel in it all. But after three or four sessions of breathless listening, the dazzling richness of this remarkable work of art begins to reveal to you. It has everything: imagination, charm, virtuosity, contrast, surprise, breakthrough harmonies, outstanding musicians in a thrilling state of grace!! You name it. Al Hamra has already become one of my favourite albums ever!"
Maja Vasiljevic. “Rumbo al Este”, Radio Clásica, RTVE
ألبوم "الحمراء" محاكاة شخصية من الألف إلى الياء
يستضيف برنامج مراسي عازف العود السوري مهنّد نصر للحديث عن ألبومه الجديد "الحمراء ، وراء كلّ مقطوعة من مقطوعات الألبوم، قصّة شخصية تعطيها خصوصية وعمقاً وجدانياً خاصاً بالفنان
إعداد: ميشا خليل 23/09/2021
Vielfältige Erfahrungen und Eindrücke, die nachhallen in den neun, kompositorisch und spielerisch gewieft und ausgereift klingenden, nicht zuletzt poetischen Tracks. Liebe, Kreativität und Wissen kommen zusammen bei dem innovativen Oudspieler und Musikexperten des Nahen Ostens.
Katrin Wilke, 23/09/2021
"Here was a musician suggesting that there was so much more of this music and this beauty back home.
Perhaps. But for the foreseeable future, Nasser will have to bring Syria to his audiences. It’ll be a personal burden that will make the rest of us richer".
Fernando Gonzalez, Jazz with Accent, 1/5/2018
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